After 17-hours of flight, Seng fell asleep in train.

A 30 pound ticket to Nottingham...(freaking expensive)

1st morning in Nottingham,UK.

I am honoured to have breakfast with PRINCESS XIN XIN

Roti prata, sausages, flakes...yummy

It is freaking cold even in the summer(22 C), it is colder outside..(17 C)

Apple tree..

Unripe apple

Took these pictures during a stroll around the neighbourhood

Fine weather

Typical cute little bristish houses..
wa nice photos (with the macro function that i taught you :P)
esp the white petal flower (a daisy?)
the one with a dog also not bad ah~
write more. write more. tho a pic speaks 1000 words.
hahaha ... ...
cool pictures !! yea .. dun be too lazy lar .. describe more a bit lar .. haha
Hey! Enjoy urself K..
N ya.. try to update more often le..
Btw wat camera u using ar?
yoz! didn't know you have a blog. Didn't know you can take good pictures. But glad to know you have arrived safely and enjoying yourself!
yoz..i am currently on 1-month trip in Europe. so dont have time to update yet. shall update it once i am back to UK on the 15th Sept. Btw, elaine, i am using Canon Ixus 860IS.
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