My house..(Royal Palace of Belgium)
Parc du Cinquantenaire (Celebrate Golden Jubilee of Independence)
Closer up (Inspired from Arc de Triomphe in Paris)
European Union Parliment
On train to Amsterdam..(the backpack is killing me)
Canals..(Important transportation here)
I am not that short after all...(lolz)
Expressive art.. (Something that is lacking in My/Sg)
I wonder how long these taxi need to get me back to the hostel.
Red-Light District
Quick shoot (Taking pictures is prohibited in red-light district)
The 'ladies' are inside the windows illuminated in red (watch carefully)
wah the photos are really pretty!
the "Cargo-van for dwarf like me" is hilarious! hahaha but i don't mind having a vehicle like that too. and you look really small beside your friend in the previous entry, esp with the big backpack. haha after seeing that photo i feel like i don't rmb you being so small.hahah
upload your disneyland and univ studio photos soon!
hahaha..of course i look small beside my friend.he is a freaking tall guy, 190cm. any person standing next to him look like kiddy for sure.
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